October 5, 2024

Saudi Arabia to build primary healthcare worth $1.5M in Yemen

Saudi Arabia is building a round-the-clock primary healthcare center in Yemen. The building reportedly costs $1.5 million, according to the official Saudi Press Agency’s (SPA) report on Friday.

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) inaugurated the project in Hadramawt, Yemen.

The center is built on a 9,169 square meters land, and includes several specialized clinics for women and children.

It will also feature internal medicine, dentistry, diagnostic services, facilities to provide immunization against infectious diseases, basic reproductive health services, epidemiological surveillance, and facilities to respond to epidemics.

The project is expected to be completed in August 2024.

“This comes within the framework of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s efforts represented by KSrelief in supporting the medical sector in Yemen,” SPA reported.

In August, the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) said it will operate and handle administration of the Aden General Hospital as part of a $88 million (SAR 330 million) agreement.

It is expected to cater to over 430,000 beneficiaries annually.

The hospital houses 14 specialties including internal medicine, reproductive health, laparoscopy and physiotherapy, in addition to a heart center.

The Aden General Hospital, which was reportedly a gift from Saudi Arabia, was financed by the Saudi Fund for Development and stands at 20,000 square meters and equipped with 2,187 medical devices and 270 beds.

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