September 8, 2024

Chad votes on new constitution ahead of promised end of military rule

In a pivotal development for Chad, polls opened on Sunday for a referendum on a new constitution, marking a significant stride toward promised elections and the restoration of civilian rule.

The voting process is underway amid calls for a boycott from a substantial portion of the opposition and civil society in the central African nation.

The referendum is viewed as a crucial step, as it holds the potential to shape the political landscape after a prolonged period of military rule. General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, the current transitional president, has faced criticism from elements within the opposition who claim that the plebiscite is a strategic move to solidify his leadership and continue a perceived “dynasty” initiated by his late father 33 years ago.

Despite concerns and calls for a boycott, the “yes” camp appears confident of victory, thanks in part to a well-financed campaign by the ruling junta. The divided opposition has encountered challenges such as arrests, intimidation, and threats over the past year. Posters endorsing a “yes” vote for a constitution supporting a “unitary and decentralized state” have proliferated across the capital, N’Djamena.

The proposed constitution, not markedly different from the one repealed by the military in 2021, concentrates power primarily in the head of state, echoing the previous regime’s structure. The opposition, advocating for federalism, supports the “no” vote.

Proponents of the “yes” vote argue that a unitary state is essential for preserving national unity, asserting that federalism could lead to “separatism” and “chaos.” President Deby, casting his vote near the presidential palace in N’Djamena, emphasized the significance of each ballot in advancing stability and prosperity for the country.

Polls are set to close at 5 pm local time (1600 GMT), marking the conclusion of this critical referendum in Chad’s political trajectory.

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