September 28, 2024

Gambia stands firm on diplomatic relations with Israel

In a resolute stance, Gambia’s Foreign Minister Dr. Mamadou Tangara affirmed that the government has no intentions to sever diplomatic ties with Israel, despite mounting international pressure urging countries to isolate Israel over its actions in Palestine.

Tangara’s declaration comes in the wake of the OIC Banjul Summit’s call for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine and the pursuit of a two-state solution.

Addressing queries during a press conference convened to discuss the outcomes of the OIC summit, Tangara stated unequivocally, “We do not intend to cut our ties with Israel and we do not act by reacting to situations based on the reactions of others. The Gambia is a sovereign state and whatever decision we take, it will be without the pressure or influence of anyone.”

Highlighting Gambia’s diplomatic ethos, Tangara emphasized a policy of friendship with all and enmity with none, grounded in principles of nonalignment, neutrality, and dialogue promotion. He elaborated on the importance of maintaining communication even with those one may disagree with, stating, “How can you dialogue with someone when you decide to put him aside? You do not have any opportunity to sit with him.”

Drawing a metaphor from President Adama Barrow’s recent remarks, Minister Tangara likened the president to a boat’s captain, entrusted with steering the nation toward peaceful objectives through dialogue and cooperation.

He emphasized that Gambia’s commitment to peace necessitates engagement and open communication with all partners, even in disagreement.

Moreover, while expressing support for the two-state solution, Minister Tangara underscored Gambia’s stance on principles, stating, “Gambia strongly believes in two-state solutions and whenever a country, even though you are a friend, if you do something that is not in line with our principles, we will not hesitate to condemn it.”

This firm and principled position articulated by the Foreign Minister underscores Gambia’s commitment to independent foreign policy decisions, anchored in sovereign deliberation and alignment with core values of peace, dialogue, and diplomacy.

Despite global dynamics, Gambia asserts its agency in shaping diplomatic relations based on national interests and steadfast adherence to principled foreign policy approaches.

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