October 18, 2024

Eid-ul-Fitr: President Barrow felicitates Gambians, highlights global concerns, national development

President Adama Barrow has extended warm Eid-ul-Fitr greetings to Gambians at home and abroad, emphasizing the significance of gratitude, compassion, and unity during this festive occasion.

President Barrow commenced his address by expressing thanks to Allah for the opportunity to witness another Eid, urging prayers for the sick and remembrance of those who passed away. He highlighted the spiritual lessons learned during Ramadan and emphasized the importance of supporting the less privileged and fostering unity within communities.

The president then turned to global issues, drawing attention to ongoing conflicts and wars around the world, particularly mentioning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

He expressed concern over the loss of lives and destruction caused by intolerance and hatred, calling for international solidarity and peace.

In addressing regional challenges, President Barrow acknowledged the economic strains within the ECOWAS sub-region, stressing the need for dialogue and democratic governance to maintain stability and security.

He congratulated Senegal on its recent peaceful presidential elections, underscoring the importance of dialogue in fostering peace and stability.

Highlighting domestic achievements, President Barrow praised the Gambian Muslim and Christian communities for their observance of religious periods amid rising global food prices. He reassured farmers of government support, announcing significant purchases of groundnuts and timely payments to farmers, underscoring the government’s commitment to agricultural development.

President Barrow emphasized the necessity of maintaining infrastructure and public amenities for national development, urging citizens to contribute through tax payments.

He emphasized the importance of utilizing revenue for vital infrastructure projects, calling on citizens to support the country’s development agenda through responsible tax compliance.

In closing, President Barrow announced The Gambia’s upcoming hosting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Summit in May 2024, inviting citizens to showcase the nation’s hospitality and unity during the event.

Barrow’s Eid-ul-Fitr message encapsulated a blend of global concerns and national development aspirations, urging unity, compassion, and commitment towards a brighter future for The Gambia.

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