October 18, 2024

Cameroon: President Paul Biya orders immediate response to Oliga-Mbankolo disaster, sets up operational command post

Cameroon’s Communication Minister, Rene Emmanuel Sadi, announced today that President Paul Biya has been deeply moved by the devastating Oliga-Mbankolo natural disaster and has taken swift action by ordering the establishment of an operational command post at the disaster site.

This command post will be under the coordination of the Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji, with the primary objectives of providing aid to disaster victims, ensuring site security, continuing the search for missing persons, and offering essential psychological support to survivors.

The Oliga-Mbankolo natural disaster, which struck the nation with its destructive force, has prompted President Paul Biya to demonstrate unwavering commitment to mitigating the crisis.

The president’s actions come in response to the urgent need to address the aftermath of this catastrophic event and assist those affected.

The operational command post will serve as the nerve center for coordinating relief efforts in the wake of the disaster.

It was reported that “Paul Atanga Nji will oversee and organize the deployment of resources, personnel, and expertise required to provide immediate aid to victims and to ensure the security of the affected area.”

Furthermore, the command post will facilitate the ongoing search for any missing individuals, offering hope to families anxiously awaiting news of their loved ones.

In addition to these critical tasks, the command post will focus on offering psychological support to survivors who have experienced the trauma of the disaster.

Trained professionals will be on hand to provide counseling and assistance to help survivors cope with the emotional and psychological impact of the event.

Rene Emmanuel Sadi emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring that no effort is spared in providing assistance and relief to those affected by the Oliga-Mbankolo natural disaster.

President Paul Biya’s prompt and decisive response underlines the government’s dedication to the welfare and recovery of the people during this challenging time.

As the command post becomes operational, the nation is watching closely, hoping for swift relief and recovery for the victims of this tragic event.

The government’s multi-faceted approach, under President Paul Biya’s guidance, signifies a robust response to a crisis that has deeply touched the hearts of the nation.

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