September 8, 2024

GPF launches aggressive vehicle testing overhaul to curb rising accident rates

In a bid to address the alarming surge in road accidents in The Gambia, the Police Senior Management, in collaboration with key departments, initiated a comprehensive strategy to bolster vehicle testing and related protocols.

A high-profile meeting convened at the police headquarters in Banjul on Tuesday, February 20, brought together Heads of MTO, Licensing, and Vehicle Number Plates, along with testing officers from Banjul and KMC.

The primary focus was to underscore the critical need for strict adherence to established protocols governing vehicle registration and driver’s licenses.

The intensified efforts aim to curb the escalating incidents of accidents that have marred public roads in recent years. The gathered officers were reminded of the paramount importance of meticulous record-keeping for future reference, highlighting the need for ongoing enhancements to existing protocols.

Amid growing concerns over road safety, the Gambian Police Force (GPF) reiterated its unwavering commitment to fostering safer roads.

The emphasis lies on ensuring that only vehicles meeting stringent requirements are granted registration, and drivers possessing the requisite competency are issued licenses.

The sweeping changes underscore a proactive approach by the GPF to not only rectify past shortcomings but also to instill a culture of continuous improvement in the oversight of vehicle testing and licensing procedures.

As the initiative takes shape, the public can anticipate a more stringent evaluation process, emphasizing safety and compliance, as the Gambian Police Force takes decisive steps to make the nation’s roads safer for all.

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