October 24, 2024

Floods displace thousands in Kenya, urgent calls for assistance

In the wake of relentless heavy rainfall forecasts by Kenya’s meteorological department, the nation continues to grapple with the mounting repercussions of above-average precipitation during the March to May period.

The effects of these torrential downpours have been particularly devastating in Machakos County, where residents find themselves stranded amidst widespread floodwaters that have ravaged homes and farmlands.

The situation escalated on Monday evening when a distress call prompted a swift response from the Kenya Red Cross, deploying specialized aqua search and rescue teams equipped with rubber boats and engines to extricate individuals marooned and trapped by rising waters.

John Abelio, the National Disaster Management Coordinator at Red Cross Kenya, underscored the urgency of the mission, highlighting the challenges posed by obstructed areas.

The humanitarian impact is staggering, with estimates suggesting that more than 100,000 people have been affected by the floods, resulting in significant agricultural losses, damaged infrastructure, and disruptions to education and commerce.

Nairobi, the capital city, has also faced its share of challenges, prompting the Red Cross to mobilize tactical teams to conduct search and rescue operations in flood-affected regions.

Amid the unfolding crisis, vulnerable communities residing in flood-prone areas have been urged to seek refuge at higher elevations to ensure their safety. Martha Waema, a distressed flood victim whose livelihood was decimated by the deluge, echoed the sentiments of many affected individuals, pleading for government intervention and support in the face of food scarcity.

“The government should intervene. All my crops have been destroyed, and we are hungry,” Martha Waema lamented.

Tragically, the toll of the floods extends beyond property damage, with the United Nations reporting at least 35 fatalities since mid-March due to flooding incidents.

In response, government-led relief efforts are underway across all affected counties, bolstered by collaboration with humanitarian partners to provide critical aid and support to those impacted by the ongoing deluge.

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