October 26, 2024

UK Prime Minister Sunak firm on controversial asylum law for Rwanda deportations

In a resolute address from London on Friday, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak emphasized the government’s unwavering commitment to passing legislation enabling the deportation of certain asylum-seekers to Rwanda. Sunak declared his determination to secure the bill’s passage by Monday, underscoring the urgency in addressing the ongoing migration challenges facing the country.

The proposed law, which has sparked widespread debate and legal battles, seeks to implement a migration plan outlined in a bilateral agreement between Britain and Rwanda nearly two years ago. This agreement would facilitate the relocation of migrants who arrive in the UK via small boats across the English Channel to Rwanda, where they would be permanently resettled.

Despite facing resistance and amendments from the House of Lords, the bill is set to be pushed through the House of Commons with the backing of the Conservative majority. Prime Minister Sunak condemned delays and opposition from the Labour Party, stressing the necessity of establishing a deterrent against illegal migration.

“The priority now is to get this bill passed,” Sunak asserted. “We don’t want any more prevarication or delay.”

The legislation, known as the Safety of Rwanda Bill, has encountered significant obstacles, with multiple legal challenges and amendments aimed at diluting its provisions. Lawmakers in the House of Commons recently rejected amendments proposed by the Lords, asserting the government’s stance on the bill’s original framework.

Upon enactment, the implementation of deportation flights to Rwanda could still face delays due to anticipated legal appeals from affected individuals. The cost associated with this migration agreement has also become a point of contention, with Britain pledging a substantial amount—approximately £370 million ($470 million)—to Rwanda under the terms of the deal.

The looming passage of this controversial bill marks a critical juncture in the UK’s approach to managing asylum-seekers and irregular migration, emphasizing the government’s resolve to address the issue through legislative action.

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