September 8, 2024

ECOWAS delegation joins MASA 2024 grand opening in Abidjan to boost African performing arts

The vibrant streets of Abidjan came alive as the 13th Edition of the Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (MASA) 2024 kicked off, marking a significant moment for the African performing arts scene. Hosted in the heart of Côte d’Ivoire’s cultural capital, MASA stands as a beacon of creativity and collaboration across the continent.

ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States, stands firmly behind this cultural celebration. Led by H.E. Fanta Cisse, the Resident Representative of ECOWAS to Côte d’Ivoire, the delegation is here to highlight the upcoming ECOWAS Festival of Arts and Culture (ECOFEST), scheduled for September 2024 in Abidjan. This event, co-organized with UEMOA and the Government of Côte d’Ivoire, aims to foster integration, social cohesion, and economic development throughout the region.

The involvement of ECOWAS underscores the significance of using arts and culture as tools for regional peace and unity. The financial support and organizational role played by ECOWAS further emphasize the Community’s commitment to this vision.

MASA itself is a platform dedicated to cultural development and the production of quality shows, facilitating the global circulation of African creators and their works. This event also focuses on training artists and professionals in the production chain of various performing arts genres, including music, theatre, dance, comedy, circus, and slam poetry.

The grand opening ceremony, presided over by H.E. Robert Beugré Mambé, Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire, was a testament to the festival’s significance. Dignitaries present included H.E. Adama BICTOGO, President of the National Assembly, alongside esteemed ministers and invited guests from around the world.

As MASA 2024 unfolds over the coming days, Abidjan becomes a melting pot of artistic expression and cultural exchange, reaffirming Africa’s rich heritage and creative potential on the global stage.

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