June 15, 2024

Historic Milestone: First Nigerian crude oil shipment departs Beninese waters


In a landmark event for the Niger-Benin pipeline project, the first ship carrying one million barrels of Nigerian crude oil departed from Beninese waters on Sunday, May 19, 2024.

This milestone was observed by a delegation of media professionals from Benin at the Semè terminal station.

The officials of the Chinese company WAPCO welcomed the media delegation, providing an in-depth presentation of the terminal facilities and their roles in facilitating the export of Nigerian crude oil.

The PS09 terminal station, strategically located near the port of Sèmè, spans approximately 250,000 square meters and features six utility areas. Key facilities include three massive crude oil storage tanks, each with a capacity of 100,000 cubic meters.

This first shipment marks a significant achievement in the collaboration between Niger and Benin, showcasing the successful operationalization of the pipeline and setting the stage for future exports that will bolster regional economic ties and energy security.

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